Wednesday, November 01, 2006


look outside my window.
what do you see?

A lawn
with a garden in the corner.
the chicken's house is there, too.
a rose bush
yields fragrant, beautiful
yellow cream flowers.
Birds peck at Emily's leavings;
a Bluejay struts the rows of lettuce.
The crows that live
at the top of the great cedar
claim their sky raucously.
The cat chases off the squirrels
across the yard
the cherry tree
is a 24/7 all you can eat feeding frenzy;
the blueberries and rasberries are untouched.
You sit
in a blue chair
under a blue sky


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Max!!!! Do you have any others you can post? you know the one we have left is Piper though right?(= me and mom keep marveling that she's still alive after all those issues with the vent. Love you and good luck figuring out where you're going next! Dad is in Portland and I just got back from Sacramento so mom had a lonely few days at home here. Miss you. Meg

Anonymous said...

Hey Max,
We got your postcard. I assume you are off on a tramp because of no blog update the last few days. (I'm beginning to depend on them to know you are okay, so blog soon please).
The Sonics are winning sometimes and losing sometimes. It's early in the season.
Did you hear that the Democrats took the House and may take the Senate? Also, Rumsfeld resigned today. Maybe there is a god!
I love you Max.