Sunday, March 23, 2008

Free Tibet.

Since 1951, the Chinese occupying forces have killed 1.2 million Tibetans.
Recent protests have been covered a bit by western news outlets, but this is what you don't see. The dead. Why is this not recognized around the world as a genocide?

1 comment:

Paul Zurn said...

Hey Max! this is Dorsey...
Just happened to check in here. I've been following this Tibet crisis as well, along with most people. I don't think anyone's going to call it genocide because that puts all these international actions into effect to stop it i.e. military intervention. No one's going to do that. But its terrible whats happening especially since no one knows exactly whats happening; China's severe restrictions on the press etc. But isn't Tibet something like 20% of China?? That's going to be hard for them to control. I mean really this is an independence struggle with racial overtones...China's not used to this though and Tibet is 20% of what they, that is the Han Chinese, consider to be theirs. Its going to get the meantime we're over in Iraq trying to control an independent state that's never even been considered in any way to be a part of our country. Internal colonization or external, take your pick. I guess its up to us to make lots of noise. keep it up...